Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I didn't stay up to see the New Year in this year. Honestly, it didn't even cross my mind to stay up and say hello at 12:01am. I realized the next day that I didn't even consider it. We were at my in-laws celebrating a wonderful and rare Christmas in which all the Horn children were in Indiana. I think we figured out that it had been five years. One of Joe's siblings lives in Asia so it is indeed a rare event. We returned yesterday and I woke up this morning in full organizational mode as the count down to the end of Christmas break has begun at our house. (This should be in no way compared to the count down to the beginning of Christmas break...not nearly as fun.) I started with my lists around 7:30 this morning. (My husband got up with the kids this morning and let me sleep in. He is so. awesome!). I got kind of nutty with my lists. I figured I was close to crossing the line into crazy list lady when I thought about making a list to organize my lists so I didn't. I just kept them organized in my head. This evening I feel very accomplished as there have been many things crossed off the lists. I think the kids got everything crossed off of theirs. (I certainly can't leave them out of list mania.) If I had put "read The Help" (my mother-in-law let me borrow her copy) and "take a nap" on my list I would be feeling even more accomplished. Wow, that nap felt really good. And to put a cherry on top of an already great day, my husband is out with my grocery list doing my shopping. He is so. awesome!