Saturday, July 14, 2007

The big announcement

Well, I guess it is official now. The sign went in the yard on Wednesday. We are moving. We will still be midwesterners, but no longer in the same state. We've never sold a house before so we are experiencing all kinds of things we never have before. So are our kids... And I'm still not sure they've completely grasped what moving means. John was very concerned yesterday "Do we need to move the toilet?" We assured them there would be toilets at the new house...


Kelly said...

My heart is full for you... I know... You have my prayers and love.

Garden Girl said...

Adventurous! Exhilarating!

But kinda a bummer at the same time.

Have fun keeping the house clean for the next few weeks. ;) Remember that it will sell in God's perfect timing (which isn't always our own).