Monday, February 9, 2009

Just in time for Valentine's Day...

Sorry to leave you all in suspense. It has been a crazy few days, and I couldn't resist just posting the picture. Last Wednesday night Ashley ran down our basement stairs, whacked the back of her hand on a door knob and then managed to fall after she rounded the corner to her room. I didn't find out that she had actually fallen until Thursday morning when Dad was surveying the damage. At the time, he arrived at the same conclusion that I did which was "badly bruised hand with an overly dramatic daughter". When she got home from school Thursday it was apparent that the now it was a "black and blue bruised swollen hand with a daughter that was in realistic pain". She couldn't make a fist. So off to the ER they went with the conclusion that she had indeed broken one of the bones in her hand. They wrapped it in a splint (which was the previous picture) and then today we went and saw the orthopedic surgeon (sounds rather ominous doesn't it?!). No surgery required was the verdict--YES! So now Ashley is all done up in pink just in time for Valentine's Day. She has to wear it for 4 weeks and, as you can see, now that the pain has subsided she's fairly pumped about her new accessory.


thehes said...

I say get a red marker and draw on some hearts! =)

Garden Girl said...

PTL - no surgery!