Friday, June 6, 2008

My four

So I got this over email from a couple of different friends so I thought instead of forwarding it to a bunch of people who really didn't want to read it, I'd just include my answers here. That way if you don't want to read it, at least it's not sitting in your inbox. So here are my four:

A) Four family members: Joe, Sara, Ashley, John, Nathan (yes, I know that is five, but who would I have left out?)

B) Four places that I go to over and over: Kroger, Alco, Walmart, Target

C) Four people who mail me regularly: Kara, Lisa, my mom, Joe

D) Four of my favorite places to eat: at my dining room table, the park, Red, Hot & Blue, a cafe in the Opryland hotel in Nashville that has the best shrimp I've ever tasted (it was on my honeymoon)

E) Four places I would rather be right now: the beach, Rocky Mountains, the beach, Smoky Mountains, oh & did I mention the beach??

F) Four TV shows I watch over and over: Bones, Numbers, The Unit, American Idol (it is an overstatement that I watch them over and over--maybe once or twice a month)

G) Four movies I watch over and over: Last of the Mohicans, Man from Snowy River, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Narnia movies (I just watched Prince Caspian--excellent!)

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