Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Random pics from a Sunday evening

Joe and I were sitting outside Sunday evening watching the storms go around us.  We could have used a little more rain, but it was nice to sit and watch and listen to it.  I decided to get my camera out and play around with it a little.  Here are some of the shots I got.

I planted some daisies to border our new driveway.

This is our squirrel feeder.  We enjoyed watching a squirrel yesterday morning stuffing his cheeks with the corn and then burying it in the yard.  We are really hoping we don't have corn sprouting up anytime soon!

My hummingbird feeder that my boys got me for Mother's day.

This hummingbird (you can barely see it as it is blending in with the fence) was flying around.  I tried to get a picture of it on the feeder but I was never fast enough.  I was pleased the I caught this shot.  Initially I thought I had snapped it too late.

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