Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Ashley!

Last week Ashley turned 11.  She was recovering from some upper respiratory junk so she wasn't feeling her absolute best on her birthday, but she made the best of it and had a great day.  Some stats from her birthday:

Birthday cake: German Chocolate
Birthday supper:  steak, potatoes, broccoli (she LOVES steak!)
Birthday gifts:  Clothes, new boots, and gear for her guinea pig....she has a guinea pig named Angel
Her current loves:  books, her guinea pig, playing outside, shopping with mom

She was honored this past week by the local Optimist Club with an  "Unsung Youth Hero" award for participating in her school's "Buddy Program".  She is paired up with one of the students that struggles and spends time with that student at lunch, recess and other times to help make him/her to feel a little bit more normal.  Here are some pics from her awards night:

Ashley and her friend Chase who was also honored.  Chase is moving the end of this year and Ashley will really miss her.

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