Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lite Bologna

Our local grocery story had a mix and match 10 items for $10 sale this week. So I made my way over to the store after I dropped the girls off at school. I was slightly in a hurry because I had made a deal with John that if he was good at the grocery store he could watch Super Readers when we got home. Super Readers starts at 9am so I had exactly 36 minutes when I pulled into the grocery store. So we were off to the races--literally--the boys were riding in the car cart beeping the horn at everyone we saw. Sara loves Bologna. Joe can't figure it out. I think she must get it from me. Anyway, Bologna was one of the mix and match items so I picked up 2 one-pound packages of it among other things. We arrived home at 8:57 and John had been an angel at the store so we ran inside and turned on Super Readers. As I unloaded the groceries I noticed that I had picked up two different kinds of Bologna--one regular and one lite. That's right--Lite Bologna. Let that sink in and then answer this question--who eats lite Bologna? While you answer the question keep in mind that the lite Bologna was not $1. It was $3.19. (I would like to blame the grocery store for putting them near the $1 Bologna, but I will take responsibility for not shopping more closely.) So now I guess the answer to the question, is that we will be eating it. But I will always be curious if there are people out there who actually buy lite Bologna or if it is just people like me who buy it by accident that are eating it.

1 comment:

Garden Girl said...

We are those people who buy the reduced fat hot dogs (i.e. Hebrew National). So, if, and that is a big IF we were to eat bologna (had to sing that little song to spell that word!) we might quite possibly buy lite bologna.

However, I'll stick to my summer sausage!