Saturday, May 8, 2010

AWANA camp 2010

We capped off this year's AWANA by having camp this weekend. The TNTers (3rd -6th) were invited to spend the night and the Cubbies and Sparks just came for today (actually most of the cubbies left at noon). I happened to be one of the privileged adults who got to sleep over with the TNT group. (Sleep is a very loose term for what took place!) Last night was filled with hiking, singing, s'mores and games. Today we fed all the kids (I think we had around 30 total) breakfast, hiked, games, sang some songs, fed everyone lunch, scavenger hunt, paddle boat tag, more games and a closing session. It was such a fun day even though it felt more like late October then it did the middle of May. BRRR! Joe and I are feeling our age and I think we will both sleep extremely soundly tonight (as will the kids!). What is up for debate is if Joe & I will be able to move in the morning! Here are some pictures of my kids (& Joe!) from today.

For those of you who had kids attend, I won't be posting all my pictures just out of privacy for the kids, but check out the board at church. Or I could also email you some.

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