Friday, October 21, 2011

The Storyteller

I had conference marathon evening last night. I managed four parent/teacher conferences between 6-8pm. AND I managed to make it to all of them on time and didn't get mixed as to where I was supposed to be. Not bad considering they were spread between two schools. One of many highlights of the evening was getting John's journals for August and September. I love, love, love reading stories that my kids write. They are all so different and creative. John especially seems to have a gift for creating and telling a good story. I thought I would share some of them. Each day his teacher has a question that the students answer and then illustrate their answers. One particular day the question was: "What do you think your teacher keeps in her desk?" John's answer:

"I think my teacher keeps a giant bone in her desk. So if the class is really, really, really bad I am sure she will give everyone a good "thwonk" on the head with it. That is why I try to be super good. So I will never get a bump made by the bone. Boy that teacher is scary."

His stories make me smile.

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