Monday, February 4, 2013

a long post of "post-its"

I have a stack of post it notes and lined notes sitting on my counter in my pile.  (You have those "piles" too, right?)  This particular stack is things I need to blog about.  The stack is getting higher and consuming my pile.  So while the potatoes are on the stove, I will try to hammer out my stack before I have to get them mashed.  They will join some swiss steak, rolls, corn and broccoli for supper in case you are wondering.  Here goes.....

  • My girls have decided that it isn't cool to wear hats, gloves or carry an umbrella.  Ashley told me the other day that the only way it would be cool to carry an umbrella is if you were a mermaid and if you got wet everyone would know that you were a mermaid.  You could ask them if their opinion of umbrellas have changed since they walked from the bus stop to the house in a. complete. downpour.
  • It has been so cold here on and off (How cold has it been, you ask?).  It has been so cold that when I go to the gym in the morning I have actually worn a hat.  I hate wearing hats.  You can ask my mom.  Okay, so maybe my girls are related to me.
  • Nathan announced during breakfast the other morning that he was going to have 4 boys when he grows up and gets married.  He said he was going to have them chicken fight to decide who was going to ride in the truck with him.  When John questioned him about having no girls in the house because he would be married, Nathan responded "She won't be a girl; she will be a woman.  She will be my woman and I will be her man.  And we will be in love."  Ahh, love....
  • The boys have decided that one their favorite games to play on the Wii is Boggle.  Yes, Boggle.  I don't even like to play Boggle.  Maybe Nathan's "woman" will play it with him when he grows up.
  • The girls got signed up for summer camp.  I would say they are both super excited, but that would be lying.  One burst into tears when we got her signed up.  She is fearing homesickness.  She is doing a horse trainers camp though and that is easing the dread.  If you are looking for a good camp, check out Camp Timberlee (  Awesome camp in Wisconsin.
  • Nathan is visiting the radio station right now with his Cub Scout Den.  I just heard them mention his pack.  Words cannot even describe how excited he was when he found out he was going to take a tour of the station and meet some of the people who talk on the radio.  Words also cannot describe his disappointment when I explained to him that Toby Mac would not be there and that they simply play his music...he doesn't actually live at the radio station.  Sometimes I hate bursting that bubble of innocence.
  • Ticket to Ride is the current family favorite game.
  • A friend and I are memorizing scripture this year.  We do two a on the 1st and 15th.  We are currently working on 2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear nbut of power and love and self-control."  
  • And on that note, my potatoes are ready to be mashed, table ready to be set and another son ready to get his uniform on for his scout meeting tonight.  Oh how I hope (and PRAY!) the Scouts make the right decision at their meetings the beginning of this week.  This may be the end of scouts for us if they don't and I will have some very sad little boys....

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