Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How great is this?!

My girls were fighting yesterday afternoon. Now I usually make it a very strict policy not to air my children's dirty laundry in public. I wouldn't want them to air mine out in public and so I offer them the same respect. However, this time what they were fighting over doesn't really put them in a bad light, so I decided to bend my rule a little. They were fighting over who was going to sweep the dining room floor. Isn't that awesome? Once again though my pessimism is setting in. How long will this last? And what can I do to encourage this behavior so that it lasts a very long time? Well, a step I took last night was having them sweep as much as they wanted. I'm wondering though if I limit the sweeping if it will make it even more appealing to them? Hmmmm.... in any case, I think my floors became very clean last night (or as clean as a 5 & 6 year old can get them!)

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