Sunday, May 20, 2007

Nothing like starting the day with Chopin

I seem to have started a music trend. But that is really not surprising since I love music. It is rare that there isn't some form of music playing in our house at all times. And I think I am somewhat unusual in that I have a very, very wide spectrum of music that I listen to. I enjoy pretty much anything but rap and hard core rock and really old twangy country music (sorry Joe!). Anyway, this morning I was in a classical mood so I put in a Chopin CD for breakfast. John came downstairs and began eating his donut (our Sunday morning tradition). He looked at me with a confused look and said "Are you playing the piano Mommy?" "No, John, I put a CD in the stereo." John: "So you played the piano last night and taped it." (Oh, do I wish I could play Chopin. One of the things I want to do before I die is learn how to play, but I digress) "No John it is someone on the CD playing it." Still not convinced he walked into the living room and checked out the piano. Evidently my stereo has better sound quality then I thought. Eventually he gave into the confusion and just decided to enjoy Chopin. He even decided that he would like to learn how to play it someday.

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