Sunday, November 4, 2007

My most recent conspiracy theory

I'm home from church this morning to nurse Ashley back to health. She's actually doing pretty well. She ate two meals yesterday. Her ears are hurting today, but codeine did the trick and she's already ditched the hot pad. So while she is watching a movie I decided to catch up on some blog reading. Both of the blogs that I went to had posts on daylight savings time and the affect it has on their children. And, yeah, it does affect my kids for a couple of weeks, but what about ME!? I know that sounds selfish, but seriously changing my clock affects me for about a month. I was wide awake at 4am this morning after going to be at 11:30. (I know, I know the bedtime part was my fault, but what can I say-I only get a date with Joe once in a blue moon!) All the research that I've seen talks about how detrimental the affect of changing the clock can be on your health. So Mr. Government--why are we changing our clocks if it is hazardous to our health?? And, seriously, there are not really more hours of sunlight in the day because of it. We may be the most powerful country on earth, but I don't think we control the sun yet. Maybe it is just a conspiracy to turn us insane...


Anna said...

Karen! You're so right - it IS a conspiracy to make us *NUTS*. I was already yawning at 8:30 this morning, and Grant had a major meltdown in the church nursery. Definitely a conspiracy for craziness. And, could someone please tell me why we need extra daylight, anyway?

Anna said...

And, BTW, I'm honored to be a mentioned blogger in your post. :)

The Bullhorn said...

Anytime the government promises you more of anything with no cost, beware. The cost is there, you just aren't always aware you are paying it till after the fact.