Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm now officially banned

We have a fireplace and I love having fires in it. It is wood burning--not gas. I think gas fireplaces are wimpy fireplaces. I love the real fire, faint scent of smoke, the beauty--I love it all especially on cold days. And today was a cold, snowy day. Joe was still working (and is still working) so I decided I would start up the fireplace before supper. I attempted to light the starter stick and was quickly reminded that the lighter didn't work. So I vaguely recalled Joe lighting some paper or something last night from the gas stove and then putting it on the fire last night. I was half asleep when it happened but I thought that it was a paper towel. So I decided I would give it a try. I lighted some paper first and by the time I got it to the fireplace it burned out. So I went for the paper towel. It looked promising when I initially lit it and then it quickly developed into something that was too promising. I often wonder how I would respond in urgent situations-today I found out. So what do I do with a paper towel flaming in my hand with Sara standing back screaming--mommy, you are going to burn the house down!!! Run, of course--exactly what they tell you NOT to do with fire. But I made it to the sink before my hand caught on fire and I've officially banned myself from ever trying to start a fire in our house by myself.

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