Friday, November 18, 2011

30 Days of Thankful--Day 18

I am thankful for a God who knows what I need better than I do. The last 3 or so months I've been struggling with some health issues and it has caused me to pretty much clear my schedule. I babysit and am a wife and mom. I work in the nursery about once every six weeks or so at church and I teach children's church once a month. That is it. For most people, they would say "That is plenty! You have four kids and your husband is a pastor!". But it has only been recently that I have cleared my schedule to include just those things. Prior to mid-July it was filled with a whole lot more. It was a struggle for me to say no and resign from some things. But now, as I have had a whole lot of time to reflect and think, it has been so very good for me. And I have regained some joy that was really missing from my life. I have also rediscovered my love for books and baking. The apple bread has been rolling out the oven this fall and I have come to really appreciate my quiet afternoons where the only thing pressing I have is to listen for the kids I babysit for as they nap and enjoy some really good books. I can truly say Thank You God for forcing me to STOP!

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