Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New school year

Well, today is the first day of school and this blog has been silent since the last day of school in the spring. And I am ok with that. It was a really awesome summer spent hanging out with each other. I knew I would have time to document it once it was all over.  I didn't want to miss a minute of it with my hubby and four precious per-adults.  Speaking of those pre-adults....Sara started 7th grade today.  It caused me to cry.  First days are always a reminder of one of Joe's favorite statements..."we are raising adults, not kids".  So true and Sara is quickly approaching that. I cried when they stepped on the bus and Joe hugged me as we prayed for them. I cried not out of sadness (although I do miss them during the day), I cried tears of pride and thankfulness. They are such. Good. Kids. I am so thankful they have a Heavenly Father who is so powerful and is "for them" in this life. He does a much better job of looking out for them then I would ever do alone. And he knows exactly how to draw them to himself.

So I am sitting here on the coach with my foot propped up (managed to sprain it yesterday) listening to the sweet snores of my daycare kids and wondering how my pre-adults are doing. Nathan's teacher has an odd spelling to her name and to remember how to pronounce it I realized it rhymes with cow. So this morning in talking to him I called his teacher Mrs. Cow.  Haha...really hoping he doesn't do that today or tell his teacher I said that.  He would, you know..he never passes up an opportunity to share family secrets.  And I am remembering last night how I was coaching the girls to help their younger brother with switching buses.  John joins their school this year and I was concerned that he wouldn't switch to the right bus.  After criticizing the girls for not having compassion on John because they really didn't seem concern for him, my eldest gently corrected me by saying that they weren't concerned because they knew he was going to be fine. have the faith of a child...

And so the year begins......

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