Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How I respond under pressure

We had just settled down for a long summer's nap. We hit the sack around 10pm after an exhausting day (remember we have 6 children in our house--3 in diapers & one being potty trained). I immediately fell asleep. It was 12:30 when I was awakened by a fog horn being blown in my ear--at least that is what it sounded like. I screamed and and leaped to my feet. I often wonder how I would respond in a true emergency in my house and last night I discovered that I don't handle pressure well. I was basically jumping up and down screaming "what is that?!". Joe was on his feet mumbling something. Ten seconds later he leaned over and the sound stopped. Then the silence was deafening. It was only then that I composed myself and was able to think. So what was it, you may be wondering? Well, we have been doing remodeling in our attic (which is where our bedroom is) for over a year. Slow and steady, but it is almost done. Joe has been working on the trim. As trim carpenters will know, it takes an air compressor to work the nail gun. Joe had forgotten to unplug the air compressor (sitting next to our bed) and so at 12:30am it decided that it needed to fill itself up. Joe apologized profusely and then justified it by saying "Well, now you'll have something to blog about tomorrow" Gee, thanks!

1 comment:

joehorn said...

In my defense, I had planned to take the compressor to the garage, but the activities of our life of late have impeded that somewhat. Sorry!