Sunday, June 10, 2007

My humble movie opinion

I love going to the movies. I don't get to do it very often and frankly, lately, there haven't been a ton of movies that I even want to go see. But, since we were on vacation this last week and since it is summer, there were a few movies that I wanted to check out. So this last week we went and saw 2 movies. I don't remember the last time that I did that in one week. (Well, actually, now I do remember, but it has been a long time.) Anyway, we saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3 last weekend and we saw Ocean's Thirteen this weekend. Obviously I am not a professional movie critic. If I was I could have a lot of fun making a lot of money. So I will give you my amateur critique. I know it probably isn't fair to compare the two movies and I should look at them individually, blah, blah, blah. But, Ocean's Thirteen is a much better movie than Pirates. First of all, you don't have to watch all the other Ocean's movies to understand what is going on in the third one. I had to rent the first two Pirate's movies and watch them before I went to watch the 3rd one. I don't remember things very well--especially movies that I watched last year. Also, the plot was just by far and away better in Oceans than it was in Pirate. Finally, I just was not happy with how they ended the love story in Pirates. I won't spoil the plot for those of you who haven't see it yet, but definitely left me feeling rather disappointed. So, there you go, my humble movie opinions.

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