Monday, July 9, 2007


I think I'm addicted to mulch. I've had this spot in my front flower beds that has needed mulch all summer. I have two peonies next to the driveway and a big rain storm swept away most of the mulch that was there. So every other day I have to go out and pull weeds. Now pulling weeds is very gratifying because you can see what you've accomplished. However, nothing can be that gratifying when it is 95 degrees with 95 percent humidity outside. So Joe went to the store and got me 4 bags of mulch. Actually, he got both of us 4 bags of mulch. I had to share because he wanted to put some around our tree in the backyard. So I got 2 bags to myself. The place where it was needed didn't need the entire 2 bags so I decided to do a little touch up in some other flower beds. Funny thing that happened though, the more mulch I laid the worse all the other mulch looked. And, thus, I had to drive to the store, buy more mulch, and ended up spending my afternoon mulching all of my flower beds. Maybe my other trees need mulch too....

1 comment:

Garden Girl said...

First coffee, now mulch. We need to have a talk ;)

I love mulch too btw. In fact, I need to go fluff mine. Maybe when it cools down!