Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mission not accomplished...

I don't have my driver's license yet. (Oh, BTW, I am back online now. So good to be back...) Anyway, I don't have my new license yet even though I've already made two trips to the branch. I woke up Monday and that was the number one item on my agenda after I took the girls to school. (The boys were still with Grandma and Grandpa.) I was thinking through my agenda after I got out of the shower and looked at my face in the mirror. Sure enough there on the end of my nose was a bright red blemish--okay, pimple. "Perfect!" I said to Joe. Joe said "It could be worse. Like what if you had to be naked for your picture." I conceded that he was right and decided to persevere. So I drove the 20 minutes over the river to the nearest branch. As I pulled up I was feeling really good because the parking lot was empty. Then I realized it was empty because they were closed. So I turned around and went home. The next day I determined that I was going to get my driver's license. I arrived took my number (10 to be exact), took my seat and quickly learned that they were now serving number 5. I settled in waiting for my turn and began to look around for some entertainment. I was not disappointed. The first point of entertainment was a lady who was clearly addicted to her Bluetooth ear piece and her cell phone. At one point she was in the bathroom--a one room stall right next to the waiting seats--and her phone rang--or should I say sang. It was at this point she answered the phone--yes--while she was in the bathroom--and then proceeded to ask the caller if they could please hold. Then she stepped out of the bathroom, set her phone on a chair, went back into the bathroom, flushed, washed her hands, and then returned to phone and began apologizing for the wait. I'm not sure which was more entertaining--listening to the lady who thought she was almighty phone woman or watching the lady next to me roll her eyes everytime the other lady's phone rang. After watching her my attention was directed to the counter. One of the attendants was commenting to an older lady that she was the first driver all day that had passed her driver's test. None of the other three passed because their cars wouldn't work. As I was glancing at the counter I started thinking about getting my new license and was wondering how they would know my old Iowa license was really mine. At that point I read the sign that listed all the other forms of ID that you would need if you were applying for this state's license for the first time. I, of course, did not have any of the above said items, and so I turned in my number 10 and left. Maybe I will get back sometime later this week for more entertainment...

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Ah...people watching is one of my favorite things to do! Well, maybe not at the Driver's Facility as I try to avoid that place as much as possible. Too bad you have to go back, but I appreciate your good attitude! Maybe we can go to Grand Prairie for coffee and "people watching" some time. What fun!