Saturday, February 23, 2008

I know you are waiting in suspense....

Okay, so no one guessed. Maybe only those of us who lived in English Hall and watched it too many times to count know the name of the movie. And I still enjoyed the movie last night. It was Last of the Mohicans. Great, great movie on many levels--especially for me. I am not a romantic comedy kind of a girl and really don't enjoy chic flicks for some reason. I always fall asleep during them. This movie has the romance with the action to keep me awake and it even has a few comedic lines tossed in for kicks. I can't tell you how many times I watched this movie in college. Oh, and during the movie, I realized I forgot to list one more of the key lines of the movie. "What are you looking at sir?" "I'm looking at you miss". Ahhhhh, you have to see it to appreciate the line. Oh, and even if you don't want to check out the movie, you need to listen to the soundtrack. One of the greatest ever...

Warning: It is a movie about the French and Indian war--so tomahawks and blood are present in the movie. I just didn't want it to catch you by surprise...


Mom said...

Okay, Dad and I knew the movie but we thought it would be unfair if we named it.

Anna said...

I've never seen it!