John swam in the lake last night. He said the fish are on the other side of the lake when he is in the water. I must admit that no one has bothered to correct his thinking on that.
Not really sure why she is looking so frigid in this pictures. Ashley enjoys doing jumping jacks in the pool. Yep, jumping jacks...
By the end of the afternoon Sara was doing cannon balls in the pool by herself into the 5ft depth without her floaty. Those swimming lessons have certainly paid off.
Wow, that looks so fun!!! Grant doesn't like the pool at all. He will splash a little at the edge but as far as getting in, forget it! Looks like you guys had a great time on vacation. Everyone needs time away.
Looking at all your photos and reading your blog is making me long to head south...As soon as fall arrives we should be heading down for a week or two or three...Maybe I should wait until winter and head down for a few months.
It looks like you all had fun.
Miss you.
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