Monday, July 21, 2008

The rumbles of the morning

I woke up this morning to the tornado siren going off. The actual center of the storm wasn't anywhere near us (it was at the south of the county and we are at the north of the county) but we had some pretty big storms that came through. We spent most of the morning picking up sticks and limbs from it. Anyway, Joe needed to run an errand and it wasn't raining much anymore--just some distant rumblings--so the kids and I went out on the front porch to wave goodbye. After the first couple rumbles, Nathan says "fireworks, there are fireworks!!!" He was very excited and very determined that it was fireworks. He was also somewhat disappointed when he realized mom was actually right and there were no fireworks. A little later we were outside and heard some more rumbles. John with a big grin on his face and his stomach sticking out says: "Wow mom, did you hear my stomach?! It really rumbled!"

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