Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sweet Babies

Well, here are the pictures of my neice and nephew on the Horn side of the family. I was waiting for some good pictures and my sister-in-law, Mandy (the mother of Abram) and Kristen (mother of Lydia) came through. They truly are sweet, sweet babies. Lydia has the greatest giggle and Abram smells soooo good--like baby--there's no other way to describe it! (I know his parents may disagree with that, but being a mom of four I love the smell of a baby whether they've just spit up or not) I got to rock him to sleep one night and it was heavenly.

Abram (the blonde-2 months) and Lydia (6 months)

Kristen (Joe's sister) and Lydia

1 comment:

The Bullhorn said...

For a woman who constantly refers to Nathan as "our last one," your descriptions of rocking Abram to sleep and smelling that "baby smell" make it sound like you might want to change your plans...