Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank you, but...

My children help out with chores around the of them being emptying the dishwasher. I have one child in particular who gets in a little bit of a hurry and, if I'm not around, just puts things in a random drawer or cabinet if he/she doesn't know where to put it. Frankly, the kid gets it honestly. I can totally see myself doing that when I was a kid. And it makes my life interesting. I occasionally get to play a spontaneous game of hide and seek in my kitchen. Last week I found the tongs in the drawer with the pot holders and today I found some Tupperware with my mini-food processor. I should thank the's keeping me on my toes and wakes me up from the monotony that sometimes occurs in the kitchen. So thank you...although next it may be a good idea just to ask me...I'm a little concerned that one day I may preheat my oven with it full of Tupperware. Ugh.

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