Friday, June 1, 2007

Okay, so I think we have officially crossed the line

Anyone who has eaten with my son knows that ketchup to him is an entree not just a dipping sauce. And it goes with anything. Last week he discovered that he especially enjoys it mixed with some blue cheese dressing (yes, I know, yuck!) Well, this morning we officially crossed the line. I was fixing up some of my pancakes (BTW, when you forget the baking powder they look rather interesting; that would be good for a science fair project sometime) I added the baking powder after the first four were cooked and I was setting the table. As I layed out John's plate, he told me "be sure to get the ketchup on my plate" Now, I innocently thought he must think the syrup is ketchup. Sometimes early in the morning he gets confused. Okay, let's face it, it is not always early in the morning that he is confused. So I gently corrected and told him I would be sure he got some syrup. John clarifying himself: "No, I want ketchup" At which point I said "John, that is gross!!" John's rebuttle: "It's not gross; it's tasty" Sara decided to chime in: "EEEWWWWW!!!!" John became highly offended: "Don't say EEEEWWWW, Sara" Needless to say, we did NOT include ketchup as a part of our morning entree.

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