Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What every mother dreads hearing

Ashley's friend after school yesterday: "Mrs. Horn someone in my class threw up on someone in Ashley's class today"
My response (laughing): "EEEWWWW that is really, really gross. Ashley did that really happen?"
Ashley, very, very somber: "Yeah, that was Emma. She didn't feel very good"
My response (now feeling very sheepish and childish over initially laughing): "Yeah, I bet not."
Ashley, brightening a little: "It's okay now though. (The principal) cleaned it all up."

Only it was at this point that I was thinking, "No, it is not okay now". For at least two days now my family will have to put up with my paranoia that someone in my house is going to throw up. I HATE the stomach flu. So, I think last night alone I took one temperature (it was normal, but in my defense her cheeks were red), and asked 4 different times to various children "Does your stomach hurt? Do you feel okay?" It could be a long morning if anyone is dragging...

1 comment:

Garden Girl said...

I knew exactly what you were saying when I saw the post's title. I'm with you - hate the stomach flu! How awesome, in heaven there won't be any stomach flu!