Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Favorite Things--Day 6

My favorite thing for yesterday (yep, I'm already a day behind) is blogging. When I was in high school or was it junior high...I think it was junior high...I toyed with the idea of wanting to write for a living. At that time I was thinking more about fictional writing then non-fiction writing. That is about as far as the idea went. By college I was settled in on Accounting and the rest, as they say, is history. In 2007 (I had to look it up) I was introduced to the world of blogging. My initial thought was that it would be a great way to journal and keep a scrapbook of our four kids and it certainly has been wonderful for that. What I wasn't anticipating was that it would give me a somewhat creative outlet. I'm not really a creative person (what accountant is?) so to say that I now have a "creative" outlet is kind of amazing. At a minimum, I have found a hobby that I love. Before blogging and even occasionally now, I would participate in what I called "the hobby of the month". I would learn how to do something, work on a project for about a month, and then sell all the hobby materials on ebay because that hobby wasn't for me. Blogging has stuck and I so enjoy it. I have even toyed with the idea of some articles getting published somewhere (if anyone would have them). We'll see where that idea goes. Hopefully, it lasts longer than the one in junior high did...

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